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Shabbat in the Park

Shabbat in the Park is an initiative that I started with our partners, the CJE Community Connectors and local renewal congregation, Kol HaLev.   Together, we celebrated Shabbat with singing, dancing and a community potluck dinner.  Watch moments from Shabbat in the Park below:

Shabbat on the Go

Shabbat on the Go is a family friendly mobile Shabbat experience, in local parks, the nature center and people's homes.  
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TGIF is a monthly family Shabbat service in the synagogue with instruments, potluck and dessert. 

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Learning Lab Rocks!

Learning Lab Rocks is a music elective I taught in the religious school.  Students brought their own instruments or borrowed one.  Together we learned contemporary settings of prayers and their meaning.   We presented all we learned together as a prayer service during community time. 

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