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Beit Shira Community Choir
Beit Shira Community Choir is a 15 voice ensemble of synagogue members and the larger community. Beit Shira regularly participates in Shabbat services and has performed for the annual Cantors Concert, Purim Spiel and other community wide events.

Beit Shira in the Purim Shpiel 2019
Haza Prep Baltimore
HaZa Prep is the teen preparatory choir for HaZamir, the international Jewish teen choir. I conducted the HaZa Prep Baltimore chapter from 2019-2020. I had the privilege of working with a wonderful group of teens to prepare for several local concerts and for the HaZa Prep annual festival in New Jersey.

Professional Choir for the High Holy Days
I have the privilege of conducting a talented group of professional singers for the High Holy Days. Click on the videos below to view and listen.
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